Our program of spoken and sung public events in Brussels
“An Evening of Poetry II”, 2018
CAConrad, Catherine Vertige and Last Yearz Interesting Negro performed in this festival of spoken and sung arts in Brussels on 22 September, and Chroniques Mutantes broadcasted a radio podcast that you can listen to here.
With the support of Beursschouwburg and Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

“Launch of ‘Girls Like Us’ magazine”, 2017
On the 2 September 2017, in Brussels, Buenos Tiempos, Int. waved and welcomed the London-built CAMPerVAN caravan to host the launch of a new issue of “Girls Like Us” magazine. Some copies of the issue # 10 of “Girl Like Us”, titled “FUTURE”, were displayed in the trunk of a Porsche; there was a “Handshake Workshop” conducted by Emily from Hacking with Care; Ill Syll played music; Buenos Tiempos, Int. performed “Total Eclipse”; and a poster announced, “NO ENTRY. NO INCENSE.”
“What’s Your Favourite Conspiracy Theory?”, 2017
On the 20 February, on the occasion of the publication of Francis McKee’s book “How to Know What’s Really Happening”, he and Sven Augustijnen, Eleanor Ivory Weber, and Geo Wyeth spoke and sung, and Laurie Charles made a painting for that soirée organised in collaboration with Mophradat.

“BTI & GLU’s Rooftop Party III”, 2016
Vava Dudu, Marnie Slater and Jay Tan DJed at the third edition of Buenos Tiempos, Int. and “Girls Like Us” magazine’s rooftop party held in Brussels on 16 July.
Bernadette: What a nice dog. What’s its name?
Bob: Herpes. If she’s good, she’ll heal.
– Stephan Elliott, “The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert” (1994)
“An Evening of Poetry I”, 2016
Olivia Dunbar, Benjamin Seror and Geo Wyeth performed at the first edition of Buenos Tiempos, Int.’s “An Evening of Poetry”, a one night spoken and sung festival held in Brussels on 22 April.
Read a review by Ash Always.
“BTI & GLU’s Rooftop Party II”, 2015
Olivia Dunbar, Jessica Gysel and Marnie Slater DJed at the second edition of Buenos Tiempos, Int. and “Girls Like Us” magazine’s rooftop party held in Brussels on 18 July.
“#AbolishMarriage” reacts against the heteronormalising strategies of the straight-World-rulers. Because marriage means not only oppressive monogamy, but also rapism, slaverism, racism, sexism, cisgenderism, classism and class perpetuation, healthism and serophobia. Not only us, LGTBIQF+ people, do not want to join heteroland, but also want heterorulers to stop belittling our paths of social dissidence and sexual un-surrenderness.
“BTI & GLU’s Rooftop Party I”, 2014
Jess the Lez, M+C and Benoît Rafhay DJed at the first edition of Buenos Tiempos, Int. and “Girls Like Us” magazine’s rooftop party held in Brussels on 27 June.
“Filthy Sunset” is a rooftop terrace party to celebrate dykes, faggots, trans-feminists, zamis, fag hags, gay muses, queens, witches, kings, latina bitches and friends; for the joy of faggotry as it is today.